
Results 1 - 12 of 22 (2 Pages)

3-Axis Backlight Guassmeter 3-Axis Backlight Guassmeter
High sensitivity, 3-axis and backlight! more info
Available from: Less EMF (United States)
3-Axis Gaussmeter Ignores Powerlines 3-Axis Gaussmeter Ignores Powerlines
Wouldn't it be great if you could set your EMF meter to ignore "false" readings? more info
Available from: Less EMF (United States)
Baketan Reiseki Baketan Reiseki
This device - which gets its power from cracked quartz - changes colour to indicate if there is a ghost in the area more info
Available from: eBay (Australia)
E.L.F.-ZONE™ Gauss Meter E.L.F.-ZONE™ Gauss Meter
Economy Ghostbuster more info
Available from: Less EMF (United States)
EVP Recorder EVP Recorder
Important part of every paranormal tool kit more info
Available from: Less EMF (United States)
Gauss Master™ Gauss Master™
Classic ghost hunting equipment more info
Available from: Less EMF (United States)
Ultrasensitive vibration detector, converts vibrations into audible sound! more info
Available from: Less EMF (United States)
Ghost Detector Sensor Array Ghost Detector Sensor Array
Set of 6 will monitor changes over a wide area more info
Available from: Less EMF (United States)
Ghost Hunting Party™ Ghost Hunting Party™
Embark on a Paranormal Adventure more info
Available from: Less EMF (United States)
GHW-EMF1 Rechargeable Ghost Detector with Temperature and Sound
The perfect EMF Detector for ghost hunting and paranormal investigations. more info
Available from: Ghost Hunt Weekends (United States)
MAG-TEMP Mel-8704R® MAG-TEMP Mel-8704R®
Simultaneous EMF and temperature readout with red illuminated display more info
Available from: Less EMF (United States)
P-SB7 Real Time Spirit Box® P-SB7 Real Time Spirit Box®
Get ready to converse with spirits more info
Available from: Less EMF (United States)

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Ghost Tour Bookings is not a provider of tours, experiences or products and has no responsibility for any tours, experiences or products provided or not provided by the tour operator, supplier or any other party. The tour operators and suppliers provide services and products directly to customers.

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